01 Nov Autumn Leaves Update in Kyoto 2016
Autumn is another beautiful season here in Kyoto. If you are planning to be in Kyoto this fall, check out our updated autumn leaves information so that you don’t miss out!
As of November 9
Some Reaching Peak Viewing
Kiyomizudera Temple (清水寺)
Nanzenji Temple (南禅寺)
Daigoji-Temple (醍醐寺)
Kanshuji Temple (勧修寺)
Starting to color
Kitano Tenmangu (北野天満宮)
Komyoin (光明院)
Kyoto Imperial Palace (京都御所)
Genkoan (源光庵)
Ninna-ji Temple (仁和寺)
Tofuku-ji Temple (東福寺)
To-ji Temple (東寺)
Bishamondo (毘沙門堂)
Rokuoin (鹿王院)
Tenryuji Temple (天龍寺)
Sekizanzenin (赤山禅院)
Kodaiji Temple (高台寺)
Kenninji Temple (建仁寺)
Eikando (永観堂)
Byodoin (平等院)
Starting to color
Kitano Tenmangu (北野天満宮)
Komyoin (光明院)
Kyoto Imperial Palace (京都御所)
Genkoan (源光庵)
Ninna-ji Temple (仁和寺)
Tofuku-ji Temple (東福寺)
To-ji Temple (東寺)
Bishamondo (毘沙門堂)
Rokuoin (鹿王院)
Tenryuji Temple (天龍寺)
Sekizanzenin (赤山禅院)
Kodaiji Temple (高台寺)
Kenninji Temple (建仁寺)
Eikando (永観堂)
Byodoin (平等院)
Want to capture yourself with the beautiful autumn leaves this fall in Kyoto?
Book a vacation photo with KoKoRoGraphy today!