Recommended route for Furano & Biei, Hokkaido

Hokkaido is by far the most popular places among travelers within Japan and from overseas during summer time. The weather’s perfect and you can explore and immerse yourself in the great nature of Hokkaido under a clear blue sky.

There are many places that we can recommend for you to visit, but for now, let’s focus on Furano and Biei.

You can’t miss out on such beautiful colorful flower gardens if you are in Hokkaido during summer time.

Furano flowers

Photo by Chi King

Such a photogenic location, you won’t be able to resist taking lots of photos during your trip.

So let’s get ready to capture a beautiful time in Hokkaido.

Here’s a recommended route so that you can see everything you need to see in Furano & Biei!

First stop is Blue Pond (青い池).


Photo by ozma

Let’s try to get there as early as possible.

If you can arrive around 7am, you can enjoy the quiet and peaceful mystical blue pond. 

Next up is Bogakudai (望岳台).


Photo by Tetsuji Sakakibara

Drive through a road surrounded by white birch trees for 15 minutes and you are at Tokachi Bogakudai.  

It is located 930m high in the middle of Tokachi mountain.

You can enjoy a spectacular view of Tokachi mountains right in front of you. If you are up for a little treck, you can explore 1km path and see the smoke of the volcano! 

Third stop over is beautiful purple Farm Tomita (ファーム富田).


Photo by James.Kirk

After driving for little less than hour, you finally reach Farm Tomita.  

You’ll be mesmerized by such a beautiful flower garden. Every year, there are many people visiting the summer time and that is not a surprise considering how amazing of an view you can enjoy here.  

Last stop is Shikisaino-oka (四季彩の丘)


Photo by James.Kirk

30 minutes heading back to North, you are at your last stop, Shikisaino-oka. 

Here, you will be welcomed by colorful flower gardens, from red to yellow to pink, and many more. It is such a big area, you can still enjoy taking photos at your own pace even when it is crowded. 

Below is a route on the map to cover all the locations mentioned above. Driving through Hokkaido is also fun and relaxing as you can enjoy the view out of the window.  

Interested in having a photoshoot in Furano & Biei?